Dec 29, 2007


I'm getting a new computer! A Dell XPS 420 to be exact, and also a new monitor, Dell UltraSharp 2007WFP (20.1" Widescreen). I'll post some more detailed specs for those interested, when I actually get it, which should be sometime next week.

In the mean time I've discovered the wonderful world of truthful PC vs. Mac ads. Here's one very relevent to this post:

Here are some more:
PC vs Mac: The reason I hate it the Pikto has Mac computers.
Half-Life 2 Style: On Macs and games.

Cheers, can't wait for my XPS!

Dec 26, 2007


Santa, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Hope you had a good Xmas, I went skiing yesterday which was great. Christmas Eve is my favorite day of the year, this year I had a blast. I got some really cool stuff as well, so I'll be writing up a few of the next posts on that. Cheers.

Dec 24, 2007

Pictures of Clothing, No. 1

Material Things, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

For those who don't know, my girlfriend, Olya Siniakov, is a stylist (you can check out her stuff [here]).Although fashion photography isn't my usual thing, we had a little shoot. I tried to avoid "fashion photos" although one or two might have slipped themselves into the set. This is by no means a cohesive set of images, just some random experiments.
I'll be posting more images over the next few days.

Dec 17, 2007


Trees, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Dec 15, 2007

Warmer Days

Warmer Days, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Dec 14, 2007

My Website, Now Up

School Is Out

Planet Eye - Holiday Party 2007, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Half way through second year, time to take a breather, explore some ideas, and do house keeping.

Kicked off the winter break by attending the Planet Eye holiday party (photo above), my brother works there / created it, and I've done some photography work them.
Thanks for taking me man!
Nothing like free food and unlimited drinks to get you into the holiday spirit.

Dec 8, 2007


Mattress, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Dec 5, 2007


Winter, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

More or less heavy snowfalls lately.

Dec 1, 2007

Self Portrait

Self Portrait, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Playing around with a bit of ring-light style lighting, where you put a soft box directly behind the camera.

Nov 29, 2007

Dundas Square

DundasSquare_HDR, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Nov 27, 2007

St. Michaels Cathedral

St. Michaels Cathedral, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Nov 23, 2007

The Black Rainbows, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Nov 22, 2007

Material Things

Yesterday night I decided I wanted to make list of various things, not sure why it seems like an interesting thing to look back at in some time.
So here is my first list, they are things that I want/plan to get.

and then there are photography books:
Hmm, that's a lot less things than expected. Oh well.

Nov 20, 2007

"I don't take a piss without getting paid".

The way I see it, free work is alright if nobody is getting paid, but the moment one person is paid, everyone involved should.

Nov 12, 2007


Backyard, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Fight The Power

Nov 10, 2007

TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design)

This TED talk is about how the education system kills creativity, and the speaker (Ken Robinson) is very funny. Check it out, and find out more about TED below.

For sometime now I have been watching TED talks when ever I remember of them. TED is a conference which "brings together the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers" to give a lecture in about an 18min period.
These talks are immensely interesting, often humorous, and the ideas or subjects which they are about are often extremely fascinating and inspirational. I think I have posted TED talks on here before, my last post was one, and I will most likely be posting more. The conference has been going on since 1984 and they have over 150 videos online with more being added each week.
You can view the talks on their site, although I find it very slow, probably due to high demand. I haven't had problems with viewing them on YouTube, the key is to start the video, pause it and let it load to the end before watching it. What's even better is that TED has their own YouTube account so one mustn't due a lot of digging to find videos.
What are you waiting for go watch some.

Nov 6, 2007

Nov 2, 2007

On Sharing

I made some changes on the sidebar (on the left), mainly I deleted a bunch of links and replaced them with a smaller more personal list. I have started to use to keep track of photography bookmarks so you can check that out.

Also I've created a Tumblr account, if you want to know what Tumblr is or why you should get it, check out my brother's blog since he's the one that told me about it.

The Used Umbrella

The Used, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Oct 31, 2007

Have a Nice Halloween

Halloween, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Hey, I'm back from New York. More on that later, maybe. Have a good Halloween.

Oct 25, 2007


Leaving for New York City, be back Monday. Enjoy the weekend.

Oct 22, 2007

A Red Car on Bond Street

A Red Car on Bond Street, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Oct 17, 2007


This is an animation I did for one of my classes in school.

Oct 15, 2007


Dollars, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Oct 14, 2007

Phantom Shanghai: Greg Girard

I had the chance today to see the Phantom Shanghai show at the Monte Clark Gallery, by Canadian photographer, Greg Girard. The project, which started in 1998, deals with Shanghai's seemingly unstoppable urban-redevelopment, in China's attempt to stay with it's rapidly growing economy. It is the lower classes that suffer from this immense transformation, as their homes are being torn down and replaced with sky scrapers.

The show consists of large scale prints ranging from about a meter across to several meters. They are rich with emotion that makes you feel for Shanghai's poorer residents. The unnatural color palate due to the mixed light sources, and the subtle motion blur from the long exposures (all the images were shot at night) give the images an eerie "phantom"-like feeling that jumps out of the prints.

Although today was the last day to see part one of the show, the second rotation of images will begin Thursday, October 18th and will run until November 11th.

You can also check out the book, that is published by the Magenta Foundation (who are awesome by the way).

Oct 13, 2007


Mango, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

My brother's cat Mango, she's awesome!

Oct 12, 2007

Chris Jordan

It's been an intense week school wise, just finished a Sensitometry project, check out the link for what that's all about. I have a bit of free time now, I'd say a couple hours (I have 2 exams next week). So here is something interesting to check out.
Chris Jordan is a photographer who photographs societies consumption, check out his segment on the Colbert Report.

Oct 5, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom!

Domestic Plant, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

I usually try not to upload two photos in one day, but it's my Mom's birthday and the Sumo photo just didn't do her justice.

Thanks for everything Mom, your awesome!


Sumo, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Lately, I've been taking a lot of photos around Toronto again, many of them with my 50mm 1.4 lens, so you will be seeing a lot more photos being posted.
- - -
My previous image has been featured on The Daily Photoist today! The Daily Photoist is a feature on the Torontoist, where they post a photo that they like from their Flickr Pool.
For those who don't know about Torontoist, it is a news-like blog about all things Toronto. Go check it out!

Oct 3, 2007

Happy 19th Birthday

Olga, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

It's my wonderful girlfriend's birthday today.

Sep 29, 2007

My Prediction

I have a feeling Assassin's Creed will be Game of the Year.

Sep 28, 2007

Lupe Fiasco - Conflict Diamonds

Although I like Kanye's video more, Lupe killed him in the lyric department on this one.
That's all for the Lupe Fiasco posts... for now.

Joy Denalane feat. Lupe Fiasco - Change

Lupe Fiasco - "Dumb it down"

Spot on!

Sep 24, 2007

Passing Light

Passing Light, originally uploaded by Eugen S..


Halo, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

This is Master Chief from Halo, personally not a big fan of the game, but it's being hyped up... again, and I bough a xbox 360 (more on this later.. maybe) so I'll probably check it out.
This was shot at Dundas Square (Toronto), Best Buy has some video game thing going.

Halo 3 comes out tommorow (Sept 25, 2007)

Sep 22, 2007

Kurt Cobain About A Son

This movie looks really beautiful in a romanticism sort-of-way.

It's also post 101 on the new blog, go me.

Sep 19, 2007


Colors, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Sep 15, 2007

Subway Construction

Subway Construction, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Sep 13, 2007

I got a laptop!

New Laptop, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

I bought a laptop today and I'm loving it. Although it's mainly for taking notes in school and such, it should be powerful enough to run Photoshop CS3 (haven't installed it yet) as well as doing other things.

Here are the specs for those who are into that:

Acer Aspire 5570-4438
Intel Core Duo T2450 (2Ghz [x2])
14" Screen (Glossy)
On-board graphics card
80GBHard Drive
Running Windows Vista

So far I'm liking Vista, got connected to the internet no problem, seems fast. I like the search function in the start menu a lot!
Keep you posted.


And yes Slava, I did steal your new computer photo, but I edited in a different photo onto the screen. Innovation not recreation, it's allowed!

Sep 11, 2007

Kanye West - Graduation

Graduation, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Dropped into HMV in between classes today and picked up Kanye West's latest album (Graduation [released today]). I've listned through it, front to end about 5 times now and loving it. Seems like Kanye can just deliver awesome records time and time again. Great production and West's effortless lyrics are still here, what's better still is that he didn't include any of those stupid skits that he had on his last two albums!

Track 13 - Big Brother is my favorite; the song is about how Kanye idolized, and still does, Jay Z. Basically goes through their relationship from A to Z (no pun intended).

My least favourite Track has to be Drunk and Hot Girls (#8), which is a shame as it has Mos Def on it, but it just shitty.
I'm also not into Lil'Wayne on Track 7 - Barry Bonds, his lyrics just suck.
I give it a 4.5/5, just get rid of those two songs and replace it with one good one and its a 5/5! Go get it kids.

Sep 9, 2007


Motel, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Shot with a Lomo Fisheye 2 camera.

Sep 5, 2007


Water, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Sep 3, 2007


Olga, originally uploaded by Eugen S..


I'm back from Ottawa, not much to talk about there.

School starts tommorow! Can't wait.

I pick up my business cards tomorrow.

Still shooting photos of Toronto, hopefully I'll finish this week. Editing takes a lot of time!

Aug 31, 2007

Going to Ottawa/Montreal

Going to Ottawa/Montreal, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

I'm off to Ottawa / Montreal for the weekend. Sorry for the lack of updates, been working none stop all week. I'm only taking my Lomo Fisheye 2 to shoot with this weekend so should be interesting! See Ya.

Aug 26, 2007

Union Station

Union Station, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Aug 22, 2007

The Beatles

The Beatles, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

I really enjoy this photo.

New Lighting Equipment

Yesterday I just bought a whole bunch of lighting equipment that in my opinion will give me much more flexibility in the type of photos I can take.

Here is the list:
1. Light Stand (Studio Lighting System) - A 10ft-tall stand to which you can attach a wide-variety of lights.
2. Umbrella (Aurora) - A 42inch, silver umbrellas for bouncing light.
3. Umbrella Mount (Opus) - Attaches the umbrella and flash to the light stand.

That is the main set-up, and here is what it looks like when it's all together:

Now #4 is a bit of a different story, it's a reflector very close to this one. Both are silver, both are about 30 inches across, both reflect light. However mine, I bought from Canadian Tire, not a camera store, it cost me about $15 instead of $85, and also I received 2 reflectors for that price instead of one. Thus instead of spending $170, I spent $15!! If that's not a sweet deal, I don't know what is.
Here is a photo of the two-reflectors:

I'll put up some photos using the new stuff soon, as well as some comparison photos, of with/without reflector and umbrella.


As far as proposals go, artists do it better!

Aug 21, 2007


Path, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Sorry for the lack of uploads, I'm just crazy busy at the moment.

I've recently left my job at Black's (Wednesday is my last day), so I'm strictly doing freelance photography right now! Pretty big change, we'll see how it all works out. I currently have work lined up until the beginning of September, and am working on getting a few more jobs. Also I'm buying some new lighting equipment, but I'll post that up later.

On another note I just saw Superbad and it has to be one of the funniest movies ever! Go see it, and let me know when you do cause I definitely want to watch it again!

Aug 15, 2007

Lean Back

Lean Back, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Working 13 hours almost everyday this week, makes me miss the time where I could just kick back in a lounge chair and read a book. Freelance photography is tough.

Aug 14, 2007

Post Secret

For those of you who don't know about post-secret, here is a good start.

Aug 12, 2007

Much Music

Much Music, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Aug 8, 2007


Cross, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Watched the Bourne Ultimatum last night, awesome film and a good conclusion to the series. Love the final shot!

**Don't spoil the film for others in the comments, spoilers will be deleted.

Aug 7, 2007


Light, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

I've developed a love/hate relationship with Algonquin Park this past weekend. More on this later.

Aug 6, 2007

Door to Door Atheists!

Door To Door Atheists Bother Mormons - Watch more free videos
Now that's what I'm talking about, a bit of your own medicine!

Aug 1, 2007


Open, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Jul 29, 2007

Lovely, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Jul 28, 2007


Birthday!, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

It was my birthday yesterday. Thanks goes out to everyone who called, emailed, facebooked, or text messaged me! Cheers.

Jul 27, 2007

The Horse

The Horse, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Jul 25, 2007

Jesus and Mary

Jesus and Mary, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

I've recently been commissioned by my brother's company (Planet Eye), to photograph more than 100 tourist destinations in Toronto. Go me! This has me quite busy as well as feeling tired, so blogging is second to doing nothing when I get home from roaming Toronto and shooting all day.
My trips have me visiting several churches in Toronto, which has made me realize that I like churches and Gothic architecture in general. Let me tell you Toronto has some fairly impressive churches, and even the ones that seem tiny from the outside, never fail to impress with their massive interiors. It makes me miss my art history classes last year.

Jul 24, 2007


Mail, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Jul 23, 2007


Explosion, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

I was shooting this regular night scene, near my house when all of a sudden fireworks started going off!

Jul 21, 2007


Plants, originally uploaded by Eugen S..