Sep 11, 2007

Kanye West - Graduation

Graduation, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

Dropped into HMV in between classes today and picked up Kanye West's latest album (Graduation [released today]). I've listned through it, front to end about 5 times now and loving it. Seems like Kanye can just deliver awesome records time and time again. Great production and West's effortless lyrics are still here, what's better still is that he didn't include any of those stupid skits that he had on his last two albums!

Track 13 - Big Brother is my favorite; the song is about how Kanye idolized, and still does, Jay Z. Basically goes through their relationship from A to Z (no pun intended).

My least favourite Track has to be Drunk and Hot Girls (#8), which is a shame as it has Mos Def on it, but it just shitty.
I'm also not into Lil'Wayne on Track 7 - Barry Bonds, his lyrics just suck.
I give it a 4.5/5, just get rid of those two songs and replace it with one good one and its a 5/5! Go get it kids.


Anonymous said...

ya i dont know why drunk and hot girls is on it.. should've replaced it with bittersweet

Slava said...

I'm really digging "Flashing Lights"

Anonymous said...

Have you heard about this guy, Eugen?

Supposed to be the next Kanye, but I don't think they sound anything alike. I think he raps and makes his own beats too.