Yesterday I just bought a whole bunch of lighting equipment that in my opinion will give me much more flexibility in the type of photos I can take.
Here is the list:
1. Light Stand (Studio Lighting System) - A 10ft-tall stand to which you can attach a wide-variety of lights.
2. Umbrella (Aurora) - A 42inch, silver umbrellas for bouncing light.
3. Umbrella Mount (Opus) - Attaches the umbrella and flash to the light stand.
That is the main set-up, and here is what it looks like when it's all together:

Now #4 is a bit of a different story, it's a reflector very close to this one. Both are silver, both are about 30 inches across, both reflect light. However mine, I bought from Canadian Tire, not a camera store, it cost me about $15 instead of $85, and also I received 2 reflectors for that price instead of one. Thus instead of spending $170, I spent $15!! If that's not a sweet deal, I don't know what is.
Here is a photo of the two-reflectors:

I'll put up some photos using the new stuff soon, as well as some comparison photos, of with/without reflector and umbrella.
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