Apr 24, 2007


Rain, originally uploaded by Eugen S..

The rain is coming down hard,
as drops of water hit the ground
the thunderous sound rebounds.

I walk on through with windswept hair,
no tears just rain against my face,
with haste I walk

And as I look through store front's glass,
they stare at me from inside out
as if I pass through foreign lands,
a clue without.


I am officially done my first year at university! More on this later.

Apr 21, 2007


I've noticed a couple people's work around the issue of guns coming out lately, which correlates quite nicely in light of a recent event. I'm sure there is plenty more, here are two that I've found in the last couple days.

Photo by Kyle Cassidy

Armed America by Kyle Cassidy is a look at the type of people who own guns and their reasons for having guns. Although I don't feel the photos themselves are anything special, I think its a great idea and just goes to show the wide array of gun owners and some of the common reason for gun ownership.

Another set, in the form of a lecture-like slide show, on guns is by Magnum photographer Philip Jones Griffiths. Rather than a new series of work it's a collection of images that deal with guns that he has taken over the years, with a voice over of him talking about his opinion on guns. You can find it right here.

Apr 19, 2007

The end is in sight

I am currently midway through my exams and everything is progressing nicely.

I will have my work on display this Friday (20th of April) from 9:30 am to about 3pm, in the Ryerson Image Arts Building (122 Bond Street) in the studio. I will be showing my final project; Richmond Hill: Portrait of a Suburb. So check it out if you're in the area!

My last exam is Monday, so regular posting should resume then.

Apr 15, 2007

Dominic Nahr: Photo Journalist

By Dominic Nahr, part of: EAST TIMOR: A NATION DIVIDED

So I was playing the link game again and ended up at Dominic's website. His work seemed strangely familiar, the series I was looking at wasn't work that I'd seen but it had a similar feel to it. It turns out he is currently in 3rd year at Ryerson, strange how I keep stumbling upon these people. I definitely enjoy his style of photographs, they are aesthetically beautiful, yet I'm not sure I've made up my mind whether or not it is "strife" photography, although I have a feeling it isn't.

Apr 12, 2007

Small World

I was checking out Conscientious blog and I saw this post. Following up and taking a look at the artists website all the people I saw I immediately recognized as they go to Ryerson. Turns out the photographer graduated from Ryerson last year. Small world.


Sale, originally uploaded by threee_3e.

Apr 11, 2007

Bright Eyes "Cassadaga"

Bright Eyes released his new CD recently titled "Cassadaga". For those who haven't listened to Bright Eyes, the music is very melodic, and lyrics covering a wide range of topics. I bought the CD today, I'm actually listening to it as I write this, and those who purchase the hard copy (who the hell downloads music anyways) are in for an awesome treat! Oh and the music is awesome... obviously. Check out the video for the single Four Winds.
There is also a cool "making of" for the video on his website.


My brother featured this video on his blog, it's two artists, creative-minds, whatever you want to call them, who work in advertising, talking about stimulating creativity and creating art with a commercial medium. I think this is a must watch for all creatives (to quote Veer) with plenty of exercises to try yourself and examples to illustrate their discussion.

Apr 10, 2007


Wow, I can't wait. I hope it comes out for PC.

Post No Bills

Post no bills, originally uploaded by threee_3e.

Last week of classes, enough said.

Apr 8, 2007


Imagine, originally uploaded by threee_3e.


Apr 7, 2007

Dez Bara-Assi : Fashion Designer

Dress by Dez Bara-Assi | Photo by Kristen Landry

I recently had the pleasure of attending, Virtues and Vices, a fashion show featuring the designs of second year students from Ryerson University's fashion design program. For those who know me, probably know my love hate relationship with fashion. I like fashion, I just think that there are a lot of miss-guided people in the fashion industry. I don't claim to be an expert or anything, that's just my own, perhaps uninformed, opinion.

I do greatly enjoy good, fresh talent regarding pretty much anything. Truthfully I was amazed at the work of second year student's and I'd like to say I was blown away. A friend of mine, who I met last semester, Dez Bara-Assi, invited me to this event, and it was his first time having his work in a fashion show, and I think he left everyone in awe. His dress (seen above) was the favourite of many, and his hard work and countless hours were clearly visible in the top notch, design and execution, of the gown.

The Ryersonian wrote up a nice article on him and the show, which can be found here. I wish the best of luck to you Dez and can't wait to see what you come up with next. Cheers.

Apr 5, 2007

Orange Bowl

Orange Bowl, originally uploaded by threee_3e.

Apr 3, 2007

Alice Wells

From "Swing Me Low" by Alice Wells

I'm enjoying the work of Chicago photographer, Alice Wells. She has recently put up her site so many parts are still "under construction" however there are some great photos on there already.


clouds, originally uploaded by threee_3e.

Whitby, Ontario