Jul 29, 2007
Jul 28, 2007
It was my birthday yesterday. Thanks goes out to everyone who called, emailed, facebooked, or text messaged me! Cheers.
Jul 27, 2007
Jul 25, 2007
Jesus and Mary
I've recently been commissioned by my brother's company (Planet Eye), to photograph more than 100 tourist destinations in Toronto. Go me! This has me quite busy as well as feeling tired, so blogging is second to doing nothing when I get home from roaming Toronto and shooting all day.
My trips have me visiting several churches in Toronto, which has made me realize that I like churches and Gothic architecture in general. Let me tell you Toronto has some fairly impressive churches, and even the ones that seem tiny from the outside, never fail to impress with their massive interiors. It makes me miss my art history classes last year.
Jul 24, 2007
Jul 23, 2007
I was shooting this regular night scene, near my house when all of a sudden fireworks started going off!
Jul 21, 2007
Jul 18, 2007
Jul 17, 2007
Jul 16, 2007
Jul 14, 2007
Shards of America

Phil stood out not only because of his work but also because he was a Ryerson professor. He had completed his series Shards of America and the core of his lecture was explaining the project and in particular how the individual image were taken. After watching the lecture, I went out and bought the book. The image are mostly shot in suburb towns, the majority being of window displays that have survived the sands of time, with some variation. The book is read like any, from front to back, with a definite sequence to the images, as your eyes flow seamlessly from one page to the next. The images often contain a sense of irony, juxtaposed objects playing together to provide commentary on America and it's values. I continue to go back to this book every once in a while to rediscover the photos. To my knowledge Phil Bergerson will not be teaching at Ryerson next year, which is really unfortunate, as the few chances I had to overhear his critiques have been some of the most insightful pieces of information that I've picked up last year.
Jul 13, 2007

Sorry for taking so long, but it took a while to edit the photos, but yes I am alive and well. Having made my first jump I do carry a certain sense of accomplishment. I jumped from a height of about 3700 feet (just over 1 km high), I had a very (VERY) short free fall, to short to realize it and take in the feeling, however parachuting down during sunset, looking over a landscape dotted with rivers and ponds was quite a beautiful site.
You can find the photos from the trip here.
And also check out my brothers post as he summed up the trip quite nicely.
Jul 6, 2007
Jul 5, 2007
Jul 4, 2007
Jul 2, 2007
Surprise, Surprise
My brother uses a Creative Commons licence on his photos, which allows anyone to use his photos without asking him, as long as they credit him. My photos however have an All Rights Reserved copyright notice meaning that if one wants to use my photo they must ask me first. This is why I was so surprised to see my picture on the Torontoist. I now realize I posted that photo to the Torontoist flickr pool, which in a way can be seen as giving them permission to use it. However, it would still have been nice to at least get an email from them. Just a though.
Jul 1, 2007
Happy Canada Day everyone! I actually came to Canada on Canada Day, pretty cool 'eh!
And yes for those of you in the loop, I saw this first on Jenny's blog, I couldn't resist.