Mar 29, 2007
Mar 28, 2007
Mar 27, 2007
New York City

Human/Need/Desire, originally uploaded by threee_3e.
I went to New York City two weeks ago, with my program. The trip was pretty damn sweet, even though it was way colder then everyone expected and most of us got sick. View the rest of the photos here.
Mar 26, 2007
Happy Birthday. Sorry for those who can't read Russian and therefore didn't understand. Maybe next time. Thanks goes out to Yury Efremov, who made the video and who I do not actually know.
Mar 24, 2007
Pulp Fiction + Typography = Awesome
Jesper Ulvelius - Photographer

Jesper Ulvelius is a photographer from Stockholm, Sweden, that I stumbled upon quite a while back. I immediately loved his self-portrait series titled Jesper. At the time I didn't bookmark work I liked, for whatever reason, and so I forgot about him. Then a couple weeks ago, I was browsing a recently discovered blog I Heart Photograph and it featured him and his self-portraits for which, after doing a quick Google search, I see he has received some notoriety. The thing that appeals to me about his self-portraits, is how completely unglamorous he is. It's as if someone walked up to him, handed the shutter-remote, and told him to press it. There is no attempt to beautify or romanticize himself and in a strange way it is this that makes his photos so beautiful and romantic.
To check out his work you can go to his main page, or there is another section of his site, not linked to by anywhere on the main page that's called The Diary. This section also contains a bio and a links page if you get to the end of it. Although I'm not 100 percent sure I think The Diary might be a blog, that is what other sites hinted at, although I'm not sure how often it's updated as there is no reference to dates, only one way to find out.
Mar 23, 2007
The Snow is Melting
Well it's getting warmer and warmer, something that I am quite enjoying. Maybe it's because I have a 4 month vacation this year, maybe it's because that means it's closer to my birthday and I will be turning 19, and perhaps it's simply that I perfer warm weather over cold. But I find that snow ,and winter in general, is somewhat like school. You can't wait for it to be over, but when it's gone you begin to miss it after some time.
Mar 22, 2007
The Move
Well presumably you knew about my old blog, The Threee Files, and upon reading that it has moved you followed the link here.
Why the switch?
Well there are many reason for the new blog, the new name, and the new layout. I started the old blog March 2005, damn that's 2 years ago, wow. A lot has changed since back then, mainly I decided that photography was what I wanted to do with my life, I got into Ryerson University to study photography, and I became a freelance photographer (working as an event photographer from time to time). I've learned a lot through all this, mainly realizing that I know very little about image-making and that there is far more too it than simply pointing the camera and hitting the shutter.
For a while I juggled around various templates for my blog, never really being satisfied. In the last couple of months I hated the way my photos looked online and new posts grew fewer and fewer. Part of the problem I think is that I set too many restrictions on my self and second guessed what to post, which resulted in a shitty, boring blog.
I decided to make a completely new blog, a fresh start, with a cleaner look and free from all the old restrictions that I set upon myself. Now I will post anything and everything, photos by me, by other photographers, random cool things I find, thoughts, ideas, some of my sketches... that's right I draw too.
So there it is, tell everyone you know about my new blog and leave comments telling me what you think of whatever it is I post.
Also if you previously linked to my blog on your site please change it to this blog.
Cheers, and enjoy.