May 26, 2007
May 25, 2007
May 22, 2007
Varadero, Cuba
I'm back from Cuba and will write up a full post as soon as I finish editing all the photos.
May 12, 2007
Half an hour lost and gained
I'm flying out to Cuba later today with some good friends to spend a week in the sun and the ocean. This means a couple things;
1. There will be no posts for a week.
2. There will be a lot of photos when I get back.
Also I've been working on my website for the past 2 months or so, the layout and all that good stuff is complete, however I have to go through my archives to compile some of my larger series into smaller ones. I was hoping to have it done before I left but that didn't work out, so you'll just have to wait.
Anyways I should go to sleep sometime soon, and I hope you have as much fun this upcoming week as I plan to have.
Arctic Monkeys
I had a chance to check out one of my favourite bands, the Arctic Monkeys, yesterday. They were in town for a show (I always miss their shows for some reason) and they stopped by a local radio station (Edge 102.1), and played a few songs acoustically. It was awesome cause they played my favourite song, Fluorescent Adolescent, from their new album Favourite Worst Nightmare.
May 7, 2007
May 3, 2007
May 1, 2007
I found out about Contact last year and was only able to make it out to about 5 or so exhibits, however this year even though I'm going to be away for a week this month, I'm planning to see a larger spectrum of shows. A good idea is to pick up a copy of the Contact magazine, it outlines all the shows, is full of images and articles, has a handy map at the back helping you find the galleries you want to visit.
Here are 2 shows to get you started.
The Constructed Image: Photographic Culture
Image by : Karen Ostrom

Image by : Neil Mills

with work by 12 emerging artists. The works deals with "young people struggling with the society and environment they're inheriting, they express what they see happening in the world. In doing so, they convey contemporary and personal issues in allegorical forms, using choreography, digital composition and handmade assemblage to concentrate narratives into single images" -Alice Dixon